Listening with Your Heart: Mastering Intuitive Perception

arbol de corazones

A Family Constellations Training for Helping Professionals:Therapists, Educators, Social Workers and other Healers and Guides

September 2013 – June 2014
East Greenwich RI

Dan Booth Cohen, PhD
Hosted by Emily Volden, LICSW

This Year-Long Course will teach you to:

  1. Effectively navigate the hidden architecture of family systems.
  2. Work competently and safely to lovingly transform the damaging effects of trans-generational trauma.
  3. Creatively integrate your current knowledge and skills to develop a model for healing that is unique to you.
  4. Serve the Community/Client base the calls you.

The Training Model

“How unexpected to discover that the path to greater compassion has been through deeply knowing and accepting my own story.”

Mastering Field Model

  • Self-Healing: Experience your own Family Constellations to clear inner blocks and triggers.
  • Personal Mastery: Strengthen your contact with the source of your highest potential.
  • Compassionate Service: Become a resource of hope and healing to the communities you are called to serve.

The aim for this training is not to teach you to do what I do, but to help you master and integrate the principles of Family Constellations with your own knowledge and skills. This training will cultivate your intuitive wisdom and open the doorway to new dimensions of understanding.

The result will be Healing Professionals who are uniquely prepared to serve their communities.

Location, Tuition and Schedule